In todays hectic world your Bathroom is an oasis, a place to relax and unwind. It should be more than just functional it should be a place to pamper yourself , shut the world out and drift away for a little time each day.
Your shower screen is an important part of creating this peaceful place , at GlassCo we can help you choose between fully framed shower screens to semi and fully frameless screens.

There are few others items in a bathroom that exude opulence as a frameless shower screen does. Elegant and stylish Frameless screens give your bathroom a contemporary appearance. Make the smallest of rooms appear large by utilising the transparent nature of glass and light that comes from Frameless shower screens. A new trend in minimalistic fixed panes of glass is seeing cutting edge design coupled with innovative features make there way into current housing projects. Frameless shower screens are available in Fixed, Pivot and Sliding to suit any application.

The Semi Frameless PIVOT is the most popular shower design in the Western Australian market.
This new design features only a perimeter frame around the outside of the unit to allow for sealing and mounting of hardware. The seamless glass to glass transition through the vertical section of the screen make this system the perfect for the modern bathroom.
Meet Momentum, Pivotech’s semi-frameless sliding shower screen.
Chic and sleek, the contemporary design and effortless function of Momentum complement any bathroom décor.
Don’t let Momentum’s good looks fool you, it’s strong and practical. Designed for the rigours of daily use, Momentum’s features allow for effortless cleaning and its hardware is engineered for durability.
At Pivotech, we understand the biggest challenge of a bathroom is keeping it clean. Our shower enclosures incorporate features to help.
Momentum’s unique spring loaded carriages under the sill allow the door to be tilted for greater access and easier cleaning.
Bath Panels
Innovative Alternative
Pivotech’s suite of shower enclosures includes a series of semi-frameless bath panels - The Claro, the Duo and the Mono. These panels offer versatility and adaptability for use in numerous applications, combined with the ease of installation and quality of components our customers expect from Pivotech.

The space saver
An old classic that still has it place in the modern world. The sliding series from Pivotoch allows you the room to move with out losing valuable space with in your bathroom.