WINDOW trims
Making the difficult easy
When it comes to systems nothing compares to Glass Co's system. A full complement of trims are available to suit ANY framed, concrete or brick construction on the complete range Residential and Commercial products. Finish off your project with cost effective quality trims that not only provide aesthetic value but also aids in weather proofing.
Now available for 6 different cladding sizes -
12mm - Compressed sheet
18mm - Colour Bond
33mm - SYCON Overlap
WESTRIM - 2 Piece Universal Trim

The ultimate trim system that delivers water resistance and 3 beads types to capture cladding thicknesses of 12mm, 18mm & 24mm. This 2 piece systems adapts to frame on the market. Installed correctly WESTRIM takes care of your weather proofing and takes the place of flashings normally required for framed construction. This architectural finish is a sought after addition by quality builders who are looking for the perfect finish to their project.